Get in front of homeowners, looking to find services like yours

Millions of homeowners search for contracts like you in search engines. And being part of Wise Workman is your opportunity to get quote requests.

handyman calls

A Workman Business Page Includes

business information

Business Information

Share business name, phone, and location with customers to ease connections


Project Photos

Showcase your craftsmanship with compelling project photos for a visual testament of excellence


Ratings and Reviews

Build trust through client feedback - let positive reviews tell your success story


Hours of Operation

Inform customers of your availability - set clear hours for efficient service coordination

awards and badges

Awards and Badges

Proudly showcase awards, let badges spotlight your exceptional business achievements.


Service Offerings

Define your list of services for accurate customer expectations and satisfaction.

Why Wise Workman Is Your Gateway to Local Opportunities

In the digital age, every homeowner’s quest for the best local service starts with a few simple keystrokes on a search engine. Phrases like “electricians near me” and  “best plumbers in Austin”echo through countless search bars, leading them to a wealth of information. 

This is where your business can shine through Wise Workman, a platform tailored to showcase local businesses in the skilled trades.

1. Elevate Your Visibility with a Few Clicks

Imagine a homeowner exploring a curated list of skilled professionals in their area with just a few clicks. Wise Workman’s user-friendly interface ensures your business is easily discoverable in your respective category. The key? An updated business profile.

2. Stand Out and Get Noticed

Having an up-to-date business profile is not just about listing your services; it’s your chance to stand out among competitors. A well-maintained profile opens doors to more quote requests and job offers, making your business a go-to choice for potential clients.

3. Customer Feedback: Your Building Blocks

Customers appreciate transparency, and Wise Workman facilitates that by providing a platform for homeowners to share their feedback and reviews. This invaluable resource assists future clients in making informed decisions while highlighting your business’s positive performance.

4. Showcase Your Craft Through Project Images

A picture speaks a thousand words. The platform lets you visually showcase your successful projects, instilling trust in potential customers. Share images that tell the story of your expertise and craftsmanship, giving clients a glimpse into the quality of your work.

5. Direct Messaging: Forge Relationships

Engage with potential customers directly through the platform’s messaging center. It’s a medium to answer inquiries, discuss project details, and establish a direct line of communication, fostering trust and connection.

6. Wise Badge: Symbol of Credibility

Earn your Wise Badge—a symbol of credibility and proven workmanship. It’s a mark that distinguishes your business as trustworthy and reliable, setting you apart in the eyes of potential clients.

7. More Than a Listing: Meet Your Next Customer

Wise Workman is not just a directory; it’s a thriving community where businesses meet customers. You can unlock opportunities to expand your client base and grow your business by connecting with a broader audience.

8. Promote Your Business, Increase Brand Awareness

Take advantage of the platform to promote your business. More visibility translates to increased brand awareness, more quote requests, and the chance to secure featured positions in cities and zip codes areas of your choice.

9. Quick Approval, Swift Results

Getting your business approved on Wise Workman is a hassle-free process. The platform values your time and ensures a swift approval process, so you can start reaping the benefits without unnecessary delays.

10. Control Your Narrative: Edit Your Profile

Your business evolves, and so should your profile. Once approved, you have the flexibility to edit your profile page, ensuring that your information stays current and relevant.

Take the leap, create your business profile, and unlock the potential for growth and success in your community.

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